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This is what digiperm looks like at the back. Big and loose curls are just so pretty!
Yes, I'm still on the stage of my obsession on digiperm! Looking at the mirror every second every minute to fix my soft curly mane. :)
As you noticed from my previous posts, I'm the type who usually wears top plus jeans. To those who dress the same and/or those who doesn't want to show off their legs, try to alter your style by wearing leggings. Printed ones are fun and bring out additional detail on to your outfit. The simplest way to wear printed ones is to pair them with plain top. In this post, I opted to wear white tube top with a hint of laced bandeau as outline. :)
Flats make you feel at ease whenever and wherever you roam around.
Crissa tube top and blazer. Gap Leggings.


  1. Luv the funky colored tights.
