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It's been 3 days since I had my blog post and so I miss this! We've been very busy in school lately with consecutive major subjects reports and presentations. Now my weekends were free from any school works! Just thought that this blogging stuff of mine makes me feel relaxed whenever school stress fever (haha) are all coming into my work loads as graduating student (yay! ^_^ finger crossed!). After so much of them, of course I need to freshen up my mind and that is by sharing my thirsty thoughts with you. Okay! Enough with this interlude. Onto my of course, another simple ootd.

 If you're asking why am I wearing this long sleeves+leggings+dark color during a hot humid while the sun is shining so bright? I don't know too haha. Maybe just because we're in a hurry for that day, I saw this top as I open my closet and grab it at once. Ayun!

(My New Year Present) Top: Store Twenty One

Again, all these photos were just taken by my phone for the reason that my camera already waived goodbye to me after accompanying me for 5 years. (it's time for a new one I guess!). But for now, expect that I'll be using my phone until I get to buy a new cam. :)

This is my ootd when we attended an induction party. As I know, it'll be a lunch wagon-like out there so I'm ready to fill my stomach with lots haha! Oh now I realized why I arbitrarily wore such. :D

As you can see, suddenly became so windy. Sakto lang talaga ang nasuot ko. :)

All black? Let's add bright orange then. :)

Thank you to Joanne for taking these photographs for me! 

Gonna face my weekdays on school again tomorrow... Ciao! :*


  1. Great! Best wishes with your education!
    Fraquoh and Franchomme

  2. i totally love your necklace!
    Well done!

  3. This is a wonderful outfit. It's kinda of chilly in LA so I didn't question why you were in long sleeves and leggings. I like the stripe shirt especially the fact that it's long. Now following through GFC :)


  4. I love how casual and cute this outfit is :D


  5. Love your outfit!!! :) Great post!
    That necklace is amazing!

    <3 CC
