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And I'm living in my twenties now so I got to or maybe should enjoy dressing up like this before that time comes when I can't anymore. Haha!

Penshoppe Cap
Owl Ring (like this)

This is just so candid. See? :) Applause for me for not falling haha, balancing is also my talent. Lol.
Melissa Wedge (like this)

I really like the print of this top. I've already thought of other sets of ensembles using this. :)
George Top
Shorts (like this)
Peach Belt (like this)

How was your day guys? :)

I'll end this post by sharing this video. While I'm doing this post, I randomly thought 'bout this song (seems like slightly connected with my post title, yeah? haha.) and so. Megan Nicole's cover of this 1D song is just so cute. If you didn't hear of her yet, here it is. :)